uBhejane For Men Imbiza/Mpesu Bundle (5 bottles, lasts 5 weeks)

$17.10 $14.25

Use uBhejane For Men for stronger, bigger, longer lasting erections.
Our natural tonic ensures that you & your partner are always satisfied.
Each bottle lasts for 7 days or more in your system!
Helping you give premium rounds night after night!

How to use?
1. Drink the entire bottle of uBhejane in one go. 
2. Follow up with 2 glasses of tap water.
3. uBhejane takes 30 minutes to an hour to become active in your system. 
4. Each bottle will allow for excellent performance for at least 7 days.

Possible Limitations?
1. uBhejane does not have any dietary requirements / limitations. 
2. It can be used together with whatever medication you are taking.
3. uBhejane does not have any known side effects & will NOT cause running stomach after consumption.

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16 available.

$17.10 $14.25